It's been almost a week since I worked on my mural. I was hoping to work on it some more before I posted pictures, but I suddenly realized how woefully ignorant I am of many things pregnancy and have decided to spend the next couple of days reading about the decisions I'm going to have to make before Seth leaves again.
So here are the pictures from my latest effort. The camera was on night setting, and I didn't know it, so pardon the blurriness.
We added in the green background. Seth and I painted this part together, and he thought that background meant it should cover the whole wall. I was thinking more that green should be where leaves go. We'll see who was right when more of it gets filled in. The next step here is to extend the arms of the white tree ("one white tree." sorry. I couldn't help myself. Anyway, there will be more before I'm done. ) and paint in its gold leaves.

After we resolve what will go in the other corner, this corner will get its own tree treatment. Part of the background is already in place, but I don't want to put a lot of green in until I know how the branches are going to fall.
So that's progress. It makes my kitchen feel smaller to have all this activity on the walls. I think so, at least. Seth doesn't notice it.
Looks like your mural is coming along rather quickly!
I have to agree with you though, the more there is on a wall, the smaller the room looks. Boys notice nothing so their opinion isn't worth it's wait in oxygen when it comes to decorating sense.
Hey Jennifer! Guess what? I was just thinking about you lately, knowing I haven't written in a LONG time. CONGRATULATIONS ON YOUR EXPECTING! Thanks for your blog address as well! Hope you are well!
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