You laugh. Well, I suppose I was being a bit irrational, but I really was worried. Seth says that I'm not happy unless I have something to worry about, and I'm beginning to see his point. See, all my pregnancy manuals said that I could expect to feel the baby move between weeks 16 and 20, and here it is, week 21, and I had felt nothing! Oh there were little squiggly feelings, but nothing that couldn't be attributed to normal symptoms of pregnancy. Of course I was beginning to worry.
So yesterday, while I was dressing, I happened to look down at my belly, and right as I looked, lo and behold, a little section of my lower abdomen poked out for just a second and then poked back in. There's no way that's gas! I tried to show Seth, but baby wasn't interested in performing for Daddy just then. Of course, I was all excited, and Seth got another laugh at my expense. He says that if I survive the first year of motherhood, I'm going to make a great mom, meaning that I'll probably give myself a heart attack before baby's first birthday. I know that I'm being completely irrational, but I've was never that rational to begin with. This is a baby we're talking about here! Everything about them is cause for worry and celebration. It's a survival mechanism! God planned it that way!
Speaking of irrational baby excitement, do I look pregnant yet? I know it's not the greatest picture (I haven't figured out the automated part of our camera yet), but it's clear enough to say one way or the other. The ladies at church were all saying how glad they are that I'm showing at last. Then they all had to tell me how big they got before the end. I've got a ways to go.

And finally, two pictures of fall.
I live in such a beautiful place that even I can take pretty pictures.
You certainly have the baby bump! And even in shadow, I think I can see the glow about you!
Don't worry about feeling the baby so late, I didn't feel Kyra until 22 weeks! Even after that, she just wasn't a kicker, rarely did I know she was in there. (with the exception of my growing belly that is!)
Beautiful fall pictures. Wish I could travel about the country and follow the fall colors as the move about!
AAAAAHHHHH! I'm so excited! YAYNESS!
Love you:)
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