Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Just pictures.

I don't really have a rhyme or reason for this post. Mostly, I just wanted to post some more pictures of Niki.
I mean, why wouldn't I want to show off a face light that?

Or antics like this? (See, Mom, it's still too big. :) )

Here she's trying to catch sunshine. She still likes my shoes, as you can see. Don't worry, I disinfected them before I let her chew on them. She also likes my hair, and books,And the odd assortment of boxes, plates, milk jugs, garbage cans, ladders, and other household items that she really shouldn't be getting into.
It being election season, I deemed it appropriate to show off some of Niki's patriotism.
Definitely pro-military (that's Daddy's sailor hat or "dixie cup," as the servicemen call them). She's probably a Republican (hee-hee).
This video is kind of dark because it was taken in the dark. Niki was playing with the flashlight, and she had figured out that the light at the end of the flashlight was connected with the spot of light on the wall. I thought it showed significant cognitive development.

Boy, she really is into everything, isn't she? And she's not even crawling yet!

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