I went to the doctor's office today to check on some unusual symptoms, and they decided to take an ultrasound, just to make sure that everything is really all right. And here "he" is (what am I going to do if this baby is a girl? I already have a nickname for "him" which Seth has forbidden me to share because we don't know if "he's" a boy or a girl.). "YS" stands for yolk sack. I had completely forgotten that human babies have yolk sacks. And of course, "baby" is baby. You can't see much. "His" head is up top, and I think that's an arm extending to the yolk sack, but it's too early too tell. But I got to see "his" little heart beating. It was just barely visible.
My morning sickness is a little better. Frequent trips to the chiropractor have helped with that. I am still working on this fatigue. Fatigue makes it difficult for me to remember things like "Six small meals a day" and "Eat and drink at separate times." My chiropractor says exercize helps. I've heard that ginger is good, as is cold fruit. I've also had chamomile tea recommended. But I have learned that when the stomach wants to empty itself, it's going to empty itself, no matter what. On the other hand, I am well enough to post, and I made dinner tonight (just chicken soup from a can, but I also put on a pot roast for tomorrow).
Tomorrow is the Whaling Days Parade in Silverdale. My church always enters a float to advertise Vacation Bible School. Last year I passed out fliers. This year, I get to ride in the float. That's good. I don't think I could handle the whole parade route. Dan the Fun Man (from church) has been teasing me that I should take along one of Seth's sailor hats to use as a bucket. Apparently this is a long tradition among drunk sailors (no implications on Dan the Fun Man).
Sleep, good gosh, get yourself some sleep. That first tri-mester is all about the sleep in between the vomit. It is okay if all you seem to muster is soup from a can... the exhaustion will pass about the same time as the morning sickness. So, don't worry about any home made quick fix to get rid of feeling tired and ill. Take it, embrace it, and sleep. It's your body's way of telling you it needs your reserve energy.
Congratulations! Your mom just shared with us that you're pregnant.The baby isn't even here yet and she is on cloud nine!
Wishing you the very best with your pregnancy!
Linda Fleming
You've been tagged! Go check out my blog.
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