Have you ever had one of those moments where you've been worrying about something important, something beyond your capacity but very necessary, and then God shows you that he can take care of it as well without you as with you?
I was worrying about a fundraiser that I am helping to put on for our local Pregnancy Resource Center. I am the head of the underwriting committee, so it's my job to round up the funding for the fundraiser. I had put about two weeks into it -- making lists of churches to call, recruiting callers, writing scripts -- at the expense of some household things. I hadn't even talked to my church yet because I was focusing on the big picture, and quite frankly I didn't want to give the council anymore money woes.
Then I realized that my husband's homecoming date was closer than I had realized, and I had to switch focuses and take care of those household things. And I worried. I positively fretted. I had set deadlines, and I knew I wasn't going to meet them. I couldn't possibly fit anything more into my schedule. It was one thing or the other.
Then sitting at Bible study this morning, one of our deaconesses turns to me and says, "Oh, by the way, we're going to make your fundraiser the subject of our next special offering. I thought I'd do it even though you didn't ask (because I should have asked right away), and I'm going to need some information to make a powerpoint slide so people know what we're giving to."
So God is good. And I'm a goof.
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