Thursday, February 11, 2010

January Travels.

Abby has chided me for neglecting to post the pictures that I mentioned in my Christmas post. (Sigh). I'm sorry. It's been a little crazy here. 40 Days for Life started with nary a planning meeting, Boo Boo turned 2 yesterday and gets more active every day, and I'm still trying to balance having a husband home with the needs of everything else. (Exactly how much time with him am I allowed to steal for myself, and does his helpful presence make up for it?)

So these are the pictures from our trips to Mt. Rainier and the Olympic Penninsula that we took during Seth's January stand down. They are not in order. They have no captions. The snowy pictures are from Mt. Rainier. The pictures with ocean in them are from the Olympic Peninsula. Once again, I assert that I live in the most beautiful place in the world. I hope you enjoy.

The horrible thing about having a husband in the Navy is that he's gone for at least six months out of every year, but the corresponding silver lining is that when he gets back, he often gets a lot of time off, like the whole month of January.


Abby Berkompas said...

Thank you, Jen! I got really excited when I looked at your blog and saw "January" at the top of the page. :D The mountain pictures are breathtaking! God reflects his glory so greatly in this amazing and beautiful creation.
I was very glad to see pictures of all of you also, knowing the beauty that he shares through you, too.
I love you!

Abby Berkompas said...

P.S. Seth doesn't mind getting his picture taken anymore, does he? He was smiling at the camera :D I remember when we went huckleberry picking years back...... :) XD
Sorry, just remembering.