Hello, everyone.
I realize that I should be posting Christmas pictures right now. I will get around to it; I promise. But right now I have an urgent prayer request.
The niece of a friend of mine went in to the hospital with pneumonia and is still there with a collapsed lung. Details are below.
Today was not a long day, but it was a tough day as we were confrontedwith the possibility that our precious little baby may have to undergosurgery to repair some of the damage in her chest. A CAT scan doneearly this morning confirmed that the damage in her chest is prettysevere and that there is still some sort of leak that's allowing airinto her chest. This is the same air that collapsed her lung for thesecond time yesterday. While the new chest tube is releasing some ofthe air pressure, the concern is more that the air continues to leak in.Now, I was mostly hearing blood rushing in my ears when the surgeonspoke with us and so I'm not sure I have this exactly right, but it hassomething to do with the bronchial tube and how it's supposed to divertair up and out and, due to damage caused by the infection, the bronchialtube is not doing its job and is instead pumping air into the chest. Orsomething like that. At this point, our rather conservative surgeonwould like to wait another day or two to see if there is any improvementat all (perhaps the bronchial tube will heal itself?) because, as hecautioned, that recovery from this surgery would be very difficult, atbest.
Thank you, Jennifer. :)
I learned last night that she's going into surgery this morning – as I type this, actually.
I haven't read the email yet – my husband did and passed the info on to me.
Thanks again, and I thank your readers, too.
Oops, I was wrong – her surgery is at 10:30am. I'll be passing along the email in a minute.
Lots of thoughts and prayers for your friends dear niece for quick healing.
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