Oh, boy, is it hot here. I hate heat. I never realized how much I disliked heat until it got hot during this pregnancy. Now, I really wish it would rain. A week ago, it rained for three days, and it was wonderful. Some of you will say that temperatures in the high 80s is not hot, but I assure you, it is hot when no one bothers to install air conditioning anywhere but the bank and the grocery store. The weather rarely gets hot enough to justify the investment around here, but this week, it's hot.
The thought that sustains me through the heat is the thought that I have passed a couple of milestones in my pregnancy. The first milestone is my first trimester. It officially ended last Saturday, and my morning sickness vanished not long before that (it came back as I got over my cold. Go figure. Maybe my body just decided that there was only so much it could handle.). I have now gone a week and a half without the need to be sick, and I am very happy with that situation.

My other milestone is that I outgrew my first pair of jeans. Sunday afternoon, I found that I just had to change out of my jeans. They no longer fit. I still have two other pairs that fit, so I haven't bought any maternity pants yet, but I was pretty excited on Sunday, and yesterday, I went through my closet and tried on everything to see what else no longer fit. Seth laughs at me every time I get excited about something small like this, but if I don't enjoy all these things the first time around, when will I enjoy them? However, inspite of outgrowing some of my clothes, I find that I still don't really look pregnant. Seth says there's a little change. I can feel a change, and sometimes I think I see a change, but that tiny bit of thickness around my waist still seems like an optical illusion to me.
two things Jennifer,
(1) You're the only one I know that is happy about not fitting in their jeans because their mid-section is growing (of course, when I'm pregnant, as hard as it will be I will also be happy...I hope).
(2) Some people show right away, others, like Deane, don't show until they're closer to 7 and a half months. So, you could have that optical illusion for a while...sorry to disappoint.
It is exciting, whether or not people can tell visably that you're preggers.
You're showing? I even enlarged the picture and couldn't tell. Maybe you should try a picture in spandex? I bet we'd be able to see any and every possible physical sign of impending motherhood with the help of spandex. Just a thought. It'd be totally out of your character and would throw most people through a loop.
I'm so glad the morning sickness has ended. And the expanding waist line will come. Little by little at first, you're all giddy and excited. Then you wake up one morning and wonder, where in the world did that belly come from? I could honestly swear that Kyra literally went from peanut size to football in the matter of 8 hours sleep.
Congrats on your milestones! Keep us updated with your growing process with pictures. It's always fun for the rest of us to ogle and remissness when that was once our shoes.
Hello, fellow Bremerton blogger ... I hope you're feeling better as the weather cools.
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