Now that we've discussed religion and politics (see previous post), I'll make you smile. Niki discovered laundry baskets the other day. I assure you that none of these poses are arranged. She did them all by herself.
We've also discovered the value of the Pak'n'Play since she started scooting. She's very fascinated by the dog bowls, which upsets the dog and worries me that she's going to end up face down or at least sopping wet in one of them. So into the playpen she goes, and most of the time she doesn't seem to mind.
And no baby blog would be complete without pictures of baby making a mess in the highchair. These pictures are of Niki's first big people food -- grapes. I cut up a few grapes and let her have them with her rice cereal. I'm not certain that any of the grapes actually made it past her gums, but she sure seemed to have fun trying, and she made Max very happy with her leftovers.
1 comment:
A few of those reminded me of our baby pictures. Haha. Looking forward to seeing you guys at Christmas.
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