Niki's new skills include sitting up all by herself and very nearly crawling. She also has this weird little wiggle dance in which she rubs the back of her head on the floor and wiggles all her limbs at once.

She has completely gotten over her fear of the camera. Sometimes I think she looks around just to see if I'm watching before she smiles.

Niki tried her first whole apple pieces the other day. The apple was a little green, but she put it away pretty quickly, or so I thought until I took her out of the chair and found the whole thing jammed down in her seat.

She's curious about everything: furniture, keys, packages, bits of paper, computer mice, fingernail clippers. She likes to lie under the high chair and move it back and forth.

We broke out the winter coat for the first time last week. I find it ironic that a baby who barely fits in size 18 mo. onsies is completely overwhelmed by a 12 mo. coat. She seemed quite happy with it, even though she looked like the Michelin man (R).
And this last picture is just cute. I think she's trying to tell us something.
The wiggle dance
Clothing can be so weird! Ian is just barely fitting into 9mo clothing (he's small), but I put a 12mo outfit on him the other day, thinking it was a 9mo outfit, and it fit like a 9mo outfit – a little big, but comfy. Either it was mislabeled, or the Greendog brand runs tiny.
She is SO sweet! I love her outfit in the video!
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