Now that Niki can roll, she seems to be everywhere at once, and nothing is beyond her notice. She's gotten into the DVDs and ended up underneath the couch and into corners. She can't quite get under chairs yet because she hasn't figured out tha the legs aren't going to miraculously move out of her way, but I'm sure it will only a couple of weeks at the most before I see her peeking out from between my feet while I type. She point-blank refuses to stay on the blanket that I put down.
"A little help here?"
"Look, Mom, isn't it wonderful?"
She is very curious about tactile senses right now. She goes for every bit of wood she can find. She likes latches and tags and keyboards and camera wristbands too. And of course everything has to go in the mouth. You have no idea how difficult it is to type this right now because she's trying to take the keyboard out of my hands.
"I just want to see how it works, honest."
"Tastes good!"
"Let's see. What will happen if I pull this?"
"Hmm. I wonder what's in this movie?"
"Nothing healthy, just like I thought."
I keep the camera handy to catch her in all her escapades, but it seems like the best moments are always eluding me. I can't capture the satisfied look on her face when I scoop her up off the floor and lift her high in the air. I can't get the way her eyes fill with admiration when I hold her up so she can see the blades of the ceiling fan. She's fascinated by the ceiling fan. She thinks it's the greatest thing in the world to be up near it. She stares for a moment, and then she looks at me with this grin that says, "Isn't it wonderful that things like this exist?" I wish I could capture that expression. And the look on her face when she looks at Max is one of noble suffering and unrequited love. She's so hopeful. It cracks me up. Max of course wants nothing to do with this little person that grabs ears and squeals and gets to take all the walks while he gets left behind. Meanwhile Niki is desperate for his attention. Her excitement when he gets near her reminds me of junior high girls squealing over their first crush. It's so pathetic. Babies have deep souls. They just don't have wide experience.
It only gets worse!! Kenzie never rolled to get to her destination, so we had to wait for the crawling stage for things to get destructive- and they did- quick. She's a cutie!! :)
Poor Max! Tell him he's in good company!
Bishop complies while giving me a look of desperation. Cricket tries to run at the sight of Kyra coming his way.
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