It seems that after months of touting the fact that Niki never smiled at the camera, I have forgotten to mention that she now smiles for the camera. In fact, there are times when she really hams it up. I think that once she started moving, she found other things to be fascinated with, and so the camera became less intimidating. Still, I looked through two months worth of photos, and these are the only genuine smiles that I found. In each I think she's more pleased with her circumstances than she is with the fact that she's being photographed.

Case in point. Look at her beam with pride here. She's plainly not intimidated by the camera, but she's not like those babies who light up at the sight of a lense. (The music you hear in the background is the Narnia soundtrack. Odd juxtaposition, isn't it.)
This is a video of Niki "talking." She does this more and more. I know it's only a matter of time until this fades into real words (words which may be few and far between), so I try to capture as much as I can. Fact: there are some sounds that she will only be able to make during this period of her life. At this point, she could learn any language in the world without developing an accent. Aren't babies fascinating?
It's funny. I took these videos, and I have the real Niki on hand twenty-four hours a day, but I can still watch them over and over again. Are all mothers like this the first time around?
She's adorable. It's a mom thing. 1 or 100 babies and we're still in awe of each of their accomplishments. It never ceases to amaze me how fast they change and develop. I have a billion videos of our little one learning to play with her voice- learning to roll, crawl, walk. Each and everyday I look at her I am amazed. Babies are blessing. Every single one of them.
Look how cute and MOBILE! she's getting to be. Goodness, looks like she's tearing through your house from one end to the other.
And the video watching obsession... totally normal. I still watch videos of Kyra from when she was wee little bitty.
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