Thursday, March 21, 2013

A housework reflection

We all have a chore that we abominate above all things.  My mother-in-law loved the kitchen but hated the laundry.  I hate cleaning bathrooms.  I'm not sure why.  It's not time consuming.  I can knock out a good bathroom in 30 minutes flat.  Maybe it's because cleaning bathrooms was my chore when I was little.  Maybe it's because we have two of them now.  My working theory is that there are so many tiny things that need to be moved before I can get down to the real cleaning. 

So today being Thursday, it's my housework day.  Somehow my weekly schedule unites against spreading the housework out to the days when Seth is home or the days when we have preschool and errands to run, so that means that it all piles up on Thursday (with a fair helping for Saturday morning.  I miss my little house.  I could clean that thing in a afternoon.) .  I had a substantial list accumulated.  On top of the second batch of laundry and a batch of cookies, I had the bathrooms to clean, the carpets on three levels to vacuum,  and two nasty smells to track down.  It was going to be a full day. 

The day was also shaping up to be one of those days when nothing got done smoothly.  We found and dealt with one of the smells in Boogaloo's room.  (It was in the carpet.  So we worked carpet cleaner into the carpet with dust mops.  To quote the Boogaloo, "We're having fun.  This is awesome." I want to adopt her attitude. )  I wanted to cross Boo's room off the list, but she had an accident last night, and her sheets weren't dry, so we couldn't make the bed or vacuum the floor.  Okay, so we put that room on hold. I hunted down the other smell in the crisper drawer (because ginger root goes bad if you don't use it).   The fridge got a total cleaning, but the bedroom still wasn't dry.  Dagnabbit. 

Now, this would be the perfect time to start cleaning one of the bathrooms, right?  30 minutes.  Done. 

No, I came downstairs and debated whether it was time to make cookies or not.  The butter wasn't thawed, so I emptied the dishwasher.  Then Boo and I looked at baby sea turtles online.  Part of me said, "Head upstairs.  Clean a bathroom."  My conscious mind replied, "Maybe I'll vacuum now."  So I vacuumed Boogaloo's room before it was dry, got the hallway and the two staircases, and started on the main level.  Then it hit me.  I didn't want to vacuum either.  The dog wanted a walk.  The Boo wanted lunch an hour early (She must be growing again.).  The dining room was still dirty. 

I sat down at my computer and typed out a little rant about housework.  A little of the steam whistled out of my brain.  I feel better now.  I'll get up and take the dog for a walk.  Then I'll feed the Boo and take out the trash.  And then maybe, just maybe, I'll talk myself into cleaning the bathrooms. 

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