Here we are, halfway through the summer, and I haven't posted any pictures of Boogaloo for a month and a half at least. I guess facebook has something to do with that, as well as Seth's rapidly approaching separation date. Plus, it's been a busy summer. Two weddings in my family and one reunion in Seth's. Plenty of photo opportunities, not so many posting opportunities.
Boogaloo has had a busy summer. She was the flower girl in her Auntie Abby's wedding. This is the picture before the wedding. By the time the wedding had commenced, we had discarded the pretty headband (which she picked out herself, incidentally).

Boogaloo practices dropping her petals.

And then she practices picking them up again.

The official picture of the Berkompas kids. From the left: Boogaloo, myself, Abby now Groenewold, Laura, and Abby's twin brother Ted.

Boogaloo gets ready in the nursery bathroom. I guess you could call that her first make up, but I washed it off when she wasn't paying attention.

After we saw Abby and Jesse off on their honeymoon, we took a trip up to
If you ever get the chance, it's well worth the visit. This is the
hat shop where they cram every kind of hat imaginable into about 200 square feet. This is my brother Ted and his girlfriend Ally getting back to their roots.

There's something a little fishy about that.

And here's a picture that people who know my mother would never expect to see.

Boogaloo tries on a pretty pink pony hat. She's beginning to have a thing for ponies, as will be seen when I post pictures of the other family reunion.

And going to Leavenworth always requires a stop at the specialty ice cream shop. Blackberry cheesecake marble wafflecone anyone?

Baby wears shades. Boogaloo dons her mom's shades just for the fun of it.

A friendly snail decides to investigate Boogaloo's shoe. This summer, we've learned that nothing stops a snail from moving forward when it wants to, not even the presence of another snail. It just goes right over top or lets the other snail go right over top of it. Now, is that greatness of focus and determination or is it just oblivious stupidity?

Boogaloo the fly ninja. Once the doors stay open during the summer, we have a fair share of flies. This year, Boogaloo decided that she was going to be in charge of driving them back out again.

And when she got tired of that, she decided that Babydoll would take up the fly-swatters. Needless to say, nothing came of that, but what a cute idea. Oh, she makes me smile.
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