For those of you not familiar with Christian children's media ( I don't think there are many among my audience, but you never know), Bob the Tomato is a computer animated tomato who translates Bible stories into cartoons starring other computer animated vegetables like Larry the Cucumber, Jr. Asparagus, Dr. Archibald Asparagus, Jimmy and Jerry Gourd, and the Grapes of Wrath. I was in high school when VeggieTales first came out, and it was so quirky that they let us watch it in chapel even though it was aimed at a much younger age group (in some respects at least).
Every morning, after breakfast, while I'm getting the day ready, I put in a VeggieTale. She asks for them by name. "Mommy, Tales." And she sits on the chair in front of the computer until the video is done. She sings the theme song. "If you like to talk to tomatoes. . ." "Matoes." "If a squash can make you smile. . ." "Smile." I got her on tape. And when I turn it off, she gets really upset and yells "Bob, Bob, Bob, Bob,Bob." This morning, when I turned it off, she wouldn't be happy until I drew her her own Bob and Larry. And she named them. "Bob" and "Laiye." I think we might have to follow up on this trend.
Just a cute picture. 
Pinewood Derby results: pathetic.It went all of eight feet. It didn't even get off the curved part of the track where the cars build up gravity. Not that I competed. The adults didn't compete. We had our own races while the results were being tallied. Pastor Dave made a big announcement about how I'd always wanted to build a car and this was my big opportunity. And my car went eight feet. 
We've had a lot of rain here lately, so much rain that our wading pool is full, and I never turned on the hose. Annika loves water and has no regard for temperature, so yesterday we went outside, and she played in the pool. Then she discovered that she was wet and took off her shorts and diaper. So I convinced her to put on a swimsuit. Doesn't she look like an aerobics instructor from the 80s? 

That's about all for now. We haven't heard from Seth lately, but we assume all is well. God bless everybody.
Kyra has several veggie tales movies.... and I've saved all the ones that Netflix offers for rainy day movie-a-thons. And, also, if you're so inclined, Kyra has the Veggie tales bible too. It tells the same stories the movies do and gives the bible's abbreviated version of the story to do along with it. We might not be obsessed with Bob- but I think we're obsessed with EVERYTHING veggie! (and by "we" I mean Kyra, lol!) Hey, it could be worse. I must admit to being very happy she's not fawning over barbies and princesses!
I don't know whether to be happy for Annika or worried about you. No, I think I will be happy because I already know that you have a much higher tolerance for that sort of thing than I do. (You might feel sorry for Seth - he was deprived of all the things that annoyed me past endurance, LOL.)
I can't wait until your visit. I want to hear her actually talking!
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