By far our biggest news is that we have new siding on our house. Our house is no longer mint-chocolate chip.
It is now Harbor Blue with Cape Cod Gray trim.
We still have a few ends to patch up, like the porch cover, the shed, and the gutters, but I can do most of that on my own. All the browns will be covered over eventually, the cement patched back up, and the pictures rehung on the walls. We also got new lamps for the two porches which Seth is installing as I type. We are thrilled with the result. It cost a bit more than we were expecting, but at the same time, it cost a whole lot less than it could have. And it adds a bit more color to an otherwise white and gray neighborhood.

In smaller terms, Boogaloo moved from her crib to her big girl bed today. We ordered the bed weeks ago, and it finally arrived today. I was expecting a little trepidation, but she was excited from the moment we started pulling pieces out of the box.
She's taking a nap on her new bed right now. She loves the sheets. She loves the drawers. She especially loves the fact that she can slide right out of it. However, we are going to have to get her a little step-stool because she can't climb back in.
Also in preparation for his leaving, Seth and I kinda went out on a limb and got tattooes. Nothing extravagant. They don't even match. I got a small bird on my back right between my hips, and Seth got a cursive J (for me :) )with a mermaid curled around it on his left shoulder. I designed it myself. At the moment, blogger won't let me upload the pictures. ("Internet Explorer cannot display this website."), and Seth won't let me post his anyway, but I will put mine up as soon as the Internet cooperates. 
There it is. Isn't it pretty? I just love the color. I can't wait until I can take the bandage off for good. It keeps catching the waistband of my jeans, and it's driving me crazy. I chose the bird firstly because it was beautiful. Then there are connections with the Holy Spirit and birds flying home to nest (would that it were so). A bird can carry my heart to him and his heart to me when the long lengths of sea lay between us. 
I've always worried that I would regret getting a tattoo, especially one that didn't have mega-mundo meaning, but it's not like I thought it was. This is private enough. Seth is the only one who's is going to see it on a regular basis. It has enough symbolism that I can appreciate it for a long time, it's tame enough that I won't be embarrassed by it in front of my kids in twenty years, and it's not something I'm going to regret later. In short, I kinda like it.
Wow, you guys surely have been busy! Love the new color of your house. I can't believe how much Annika has grown just since January. Sigh... I have to laugh... you are the last person in the world I would have thought would get a tattoo, but you surprised me. It's a pretty one. Why won't Seth let you show his??
Ummm. April fools.
Nice henna tattoo... : ).
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