My little Boo is 21 months as of the first week of December, and she gets more interesting every day. For instance, today she learned to climb into the bathtub all by herself. If I had been on the ball, I would have pictures, but I was juggling laundry, dishes, and the garbage can, so I have no proof. All I have is the memory of hearing a pathetic little cry and following it into the bathroom to find my fully dressed daughter in the tub investigating the drain. "Up," she said, holding up her hands to me.
"Are you stuck?" I asked.
" 'tuck," she agreed. So I helped her out of the tub. She promptly turned around and climbed back in.
'tuck and up join her vocabulary list, which now includesdown, juice, shoes, socks, juice cup, no, no-no-no-no-no, please, mama, daddeeeeyyyy, pretty, moo, gogg, meow, cack (generic bird noise), baby, owie, ooohhhh, and num/mimi which means pacifier. She also says eat, more, please, and apple in sign language. Sometimes she gets them mixed up. "Eat" usually comes out as a "more" gesture directed up the nose because her pacifier is in her mouth. But she's learning.
We spend Thanksgiving at my in-laws dairy where Boo's greatest delight was to visit the calf barn. It's funny how cows get more skittish as they get older. These baby calves aren't even weaned yet, and they wanted to get right up close to Boo. But when we went to the next barn over, the weaned calves just watched warily. And in the barn after that, the young heifers spooked at her slightest noise.
Twilight fever was in full swing, and the friendly tension was runing high between Team Jacob and Team Edward. Note the t-shirts. Actually, I've never seen people obsess as coolly as my in-laws do. Sure, they know the books forward and backward, pick sides, establish crushes, make jewelry, and buy t-shirts, but at the end of the day, it's just fiction. I wish I could do that. As it is, I went to see New Moon with my mother- and sister-in-law and got all goose-pimply because when I have a guilty pleasure, I endure both the guilt and the pleasure. But I did enjoy the movie.
While we were at the movie, the Boo had to hang out with Pake Jaap, which was a first. She's not usually this comfortable on the laps of big, bald, bearded men. The only reason she stayed in his lap in this picture is because I refused to get up and rescue her. But my dad-in-law is great with kids, especially small ones, so they had a great time. I think he basically just let her do whatever she thought good as long as it was good. And they were good.
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