In my defense, it's been a crazy couple of months. Our local pro-life organization decided to sponsor another 40 Days for Life campaign with only a month of prep time. I started applying to school districts to get back into the subbing game. Annika is growing like a weed and requires all the attention that a growing child requires. And Seth has been getting ready to leave. He departed Wednesday morning, and we departed Thursday afternoon. I'm at my folks' place right now, and I must say I am enjoying the forced "inactivity."
There are all kinds of things that I love about my parents' house, but unfortunately, I forgot my camera on my kitchen table, so you don't get to see any of those beloved things. No pictures of the harvesters or the laden grape vines. No pictures of Boo Boo gleaning her first apple. No pictures of Boo Boo pulling a toy cat out of the toybox and saying "Kitty." Those are on my cell phone, and I don't know how to get them off yet.
These pictures are of the end of summer, and they've been on my blog since August. Most of them are of us at Fort Flagler, a small state park on a government preserve in the middle of Hood Canal. Our church goes there for our annual campout, and since Seth was home this year, we went too.
This is our campsite. It poured buckets the first day and a half that we were there, but the trees kept us dry. The rest of our church was down by the beach where there are no trees. They got really wet. We just had to dry out our sleeping bags a little after the trip up.
Boo Boo discovered that she likes slides and staircases. She actually went down this slide herself once.
As the name suggests, Fort Flagler was once a military installation, and what is a military installation without big guns. The Fort saw action during WWI & II, and still has a some active duty people stationed in part of it, though most of the old housing is rented out to vacationers or used by scientists studying wildlife and water flow.
Maybe next time I'll have some current pictures for you. :)
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