She made the acquaintance of all my parents' house and garden gnomes.
She decided that she liked Aunty Abby and Abby's boyfriend Jesse very much. Jesse is an expert peek-a-boo player and face maker, two talents Boo Boo greatly appreciates. As for Jesse, well, who doesn't appreciate my Boo Boo? She's adorable.
She made herself familiar with the cat, and by the end of the week, the cat would actually come downstairs and be in the same room with Boo Boo. Moments like this only happened when Boo Boo climbed the stairs and caught kitty unaware.
She investigated everything in the backyard. My parents have a lot of weird stuff in their yard. That's a ceramic baseball that she's holding. Doesn't she look all-American?
On Saturday, we went up to Mt Ranier, but the roads to the observatories were closed by logjams, so we hiked up to Silver Falls instead. Now I realize that there were other people on the hike besides Boo Boo, but I'm only posting pictures of her because arranging pictures on blogger has gotten really annoying lately.
This is Boo Boo discovering that she can climb over logs.
This is Boo Boo discovering that sitting in the snow will give you a wet pants.
This is Boo Boo discovering that hemlock (state tree, not related to the ancient poison to the best of my knowledge) branches tickle.
This is Boo Boo walking alongside Grandpa.
This is Boo Boo navigating one of the trickier parts of the trail with Grandpa's assistance. There were trees down everywhere and snow on the trail. We ended up carrying both stroller and Boo Boo for most of the hike. She didn't seem to mind. 
On Memorial Day, The Washington Lady and The Hawaiian Chieftain, two ambassador ships, docked in Pasco on the Columbia River. Now its not every day that a person gets to see a real sailing ship, so we all loaded in Mom and Dad's vehicle and went down and saw them. There they are.
It was the crew's day off, so there weren't any tours. All we could really do was see the boats from from water's edge, so that's what we did. Then we went home. Below is Boo Boo with Aunty Laura. Note the trademark hair twirl. If you hold my daughter, she will play with your hair.
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