Second, it's time for 40 Days for Life! All around the country, pro-life groups are gearing up for a 40 day fasting and praying vigil to end the scourge of abortion in our nation. This year, after three years of comparative inaction, I joined our local planning committee (so if you don't hear from me often, it's because I'm busier than the queen ant's personal secretary). I'm in charge of contacting churches and finding people who want to be involved. In fact, I think I'll do a little recruiting now. If you've ever felt that you'd like to be involved in saving people from abortion, 40 Days for Life is an easy way to do that. We fast, we pray, and we talk to people about how damaging abortion is for people and for communities. Find a location near you; go to They have a list of the communities holding spring vigils. While you're there, sign up for the devotional email which will help direct your prayers to the heart of abortion issues.
There, now I can blog the rest with a clear conscience. (I'm actually waiting for some information without which I cannot proceed, so I could probably blog with a clear conscience anyway.) It's time for Niki news! I think the last time I posted some real Niki news, I said that she would be crawling sometime soon. That was just before Seth came home, which is a month ago today. Niki is now crawling like a pro. She covers more territory than I do any given day.
Almost as soon as she started crawling, she started pulling herself up on things too. She's pretty stable on her feet now.
Just after New Years, we took Niki on her first plane trip to visit Grandpa (Seth's grandpa, for those keeping count) and all the aunts, uncles, and cousins in Iowa. She was a very good baby and slept through most of the plane ride with just a little help from a bottle of water.
She was thoroughly impressed with Grandpa's house, especially all the "gogs." Grandpa's "gogs" are more Niki's size and temperament, and she got along with them pretty well, much to her delight. 
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